Squirrel is an amazing girl with a unique name. She was rescued from Okeechobee Animal Control by Nala's and is looking forward to finding her forever home. She is 2 years old and weighs 55 pounds. Squirrel is great with other dogs and is housebroken....
Congratulations to a special girl, Daisy on her adoption! This beautiful dog has finally found her forever home thanks to Kelli, Andy and their awesome kids. The joy on their faces in this photo when bringing Daisy home is priceless. She is living her dream life...
Introducing a wonderful bonded pair John and Jazzy! This lovable couple are brother and sister and they came to Nala's from a family in Okeechobee who could no longer care for them. They are mixed breed, 5 years old and they each weigh 35 pounds....
Congratulations to Brie on her adoption! This little girl was rescued from Okeechobee Animal Control by Nala's and now has found her forever home. Her new owner submitted her photo and Brie was chosen to be featured on a calendar so we look forward to this...
Lucas is an adorable 4 1/2-month-old male kitten. He is neutered, up to date on vaccinations, and microchipped. Lucas loves to play and is well-behaved. He was rescued as a tiny orphan from Okeechobee Animal Control and is now ready for adoption. He has been...
Kiara is a beautiful 2-year-old female Pitbull mix who is super lovable and good with other dogs. Kiara was rescued from Okeechobee Animal Control by Nala's when she and her brother became homeless when their family could not care for them any longer. She is...
Congratulations to little Dusty on his adoption! Dusty had been abandoned and Nala's rescued him, provided all his veterinary care and now he has a perfect forever home. Many thanks to Stacy and Brent for welcoming Dusty into their home. Dusty had not been socialized...